Energy Academy
An international centre of excellence and a gateway to Heriot-Watt's energy research and training activities


Events Calendar

Blue Carbon - a public talk by Professor John Baxter: Scottish Natural Heritage
Monday 12 March 2018, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 471

The seas and oceans represent a huge carbon store. This talk will introduce the concept of blue carbon and review the potential blue carbon habitats in Scotland, expanding the original concept of blue carbon from seagrass beds, saltmarsh and mangroves to other habitats such as deep mud, kelp forests and maerl beds. It will present the initial estimates of the sequestration rates and storage potential of these habitats. It will also examine contribution that these habitats and their carbon stores can make to climate change mitigation and the potential threats these stocks face and consider the scope for their protection both within the current MPA network and wider management measures. It will then explore some of the research that is going on in Scotland into different blue carbon habitats, in particular the deep water sediments of the Scottish sea lochs and the maerl beds, highlighting some recent findings and also identifying key questions that still need answering.

The speaker, Professor John Baxter, has worked for SNH for more than 25 years and is marine scientist with an international reputation.

Open to anyone with an interest in carbon management, marine environments or conservation science. Please pre-register. There are also limited places available to a video link in our Edinburgh Offices in Silvan House. Please see our separate Eventbrite listing. The event is free but pre-registration is essential. Coffee will be served beforehand.

Register here


Location Battleby Conference Centre Redgorton Perth PH1 3EW
Too far to travel? Register to attend a screening by video link at:
Arthur's Seat Room,

SNH Offices, Silvan House
231 Corstorphine Road
EH12 7AT

using the following url


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