Energy Academy
An international centre of excellence and a gateway to Heriot-Watt's energy research and training activities


Events Calendar

Smart Energy Systems and Communities
Thursday 13 September 2018, 06:30pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 359

Greener Kirkcaldy and Community Energy Scotland are hosting a workshop on "Smart Energy Systems and Communities2 to raise awareness of the changes that are coming to our energy systems – from smart meters and demand-side response to energy storage and low-carbon vehicles and to support local community organisations to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.

This is an opportunity for local groups to network and obtain some information on the changes that are coming and the kinds of support needed as we transition to a new energy systems based agenda

The workshop will:

Explain the likely changes coming with a smarter energy system and discuss the potential opportunities and challenges for community organisations and all energy consumers

Discuss what support and capacity building work your organisations would value from Community Energy Scotland and Greener Kirkcaldy on the smart energy agenda

For a copy of the full programme and to register your interest, click here


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